Thursday, June 01, 2006


People say that absence makes the heart fonder. In some cases it falls true, yet most of the time, the phrase fails to capture the streak of reality which clouds most bonds or relationships. They forget, that two individuals not within reach, sometimes fail to retune themselves into the coccoon which their world once revolved around..

Yet.. everytime the petals of pettiness and red fumes of temper flare, when the fragile bud of harmony appears to wax and wane, the sun creeps and peeks through, and she remmebers with stark clarity the soft words of a strong man, the unconditional bearings he brings, and the vast ambitions they only dare dream of together. Most of all, she remembers the idle afternoons, the warm winter nights and the easy amusement and adoration he casts. And she smiles again. Because there they stand still as time unwinds and she realises, no one even comes close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hieya, discovered your blog thru a link at LeeShih's blog. Just wanna say I enjoyed reading here - such beautiful words.

- Munwei