Monday, October 23, 2006


a friend said this:

a measure of how close you are with someone is how much u rely on their blogs to keep up with what they are doing (hereinafter "The Theory")

after a little thought and a little debate and much real life comparing and contrasting, i finally agreed with him.

One. You do use the blog to poke your nose into what certain people-u-know-but-dont-really-meet-up-with-often are up to, and then post random comments.

Two. Lost Friend implies to you how you have lost each other by this- you one day opening the blog and discovering something u didnt know. and then again. and more (and up to today, mind you) because youve just stopped talking like that. like how u once did.

Three. I reflect how Close Friend's blog is but 1/10th a description of what i know really went on or goes on in her head. and i can decode all her written hidden metaphors. AND it was yesterday's news, sista.

Conclusion: The balances appear to be tipped in favour of The Theory.


DiDi the blowfish said...

schmiggle go and hide in your corner!

becks said...

me hope me is not a lost friend ok....hahha

Me said...

course not YOU becky!! muah

Anonymous said...

i agree!
someeeeee ppl are just tooo bzz!